Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management

Investment Management

Our Approach

An unwavering investment philosophy implemented by experienced professionals guide our process.

  • Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management has over 60 years of investment management experience. We have invested significant resources in our investment capabilities and we have 158 talented investment professionals.
  • With a wealth of investment experience under various past economic and market conditions (including the collapse of the Japanese economic bubble and the Asian currency crisis) we believe our investment professionals are capable of making well-informed and unbiased investment decisions, even under difficult market conditions.
  • Our highly experienced professionals aim to deliver the best investment results taking full advantage of all investment and research resources of the broader Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group.

Investment Research

Research is carried out from multiple perspectives, leading to investment decisions with a holistic scope.

  • We apply disciplined and research-intensive processes to all of our strategies.
  • Our investment professionals (fund managers, analysts and strategists) conduct their own individual research on corporate earnings and/or economic and market conditions.
  • Open discussions at internal meetings (investment environment conference etc.) enable our fund managers to share and analyze multiple perspectives. This type of collaboration amongst our professionals adds considerable depth and breadth to the investment decision.

Investment Process

A consistent and disciplined investment process leads to continuous improvement of investment quality.

Investment Process
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